Doors and Portholes: Auschwitz Notebook By Ditlieb Felderer As I illustrated with my slide presentation at the 1980 Revisionist Convention at Pomona College, Claremont, California, one of the most
By Ditlieb Felderer Let us now examine the various claims made about the “lids and openings” in the ceilings of the “gas chambers” and compare the allegations with the forensic reality, and
Mark Weber
Suomentanut Kake B. Myytit ja Faktat Auschwitzia pidetään pahamaineisimpana natsien tuhoamisleirinä. Toisen maailmansodan aikana meille kerrotaan, että satoja tuhansia vankeja –
By Mark Weber Auschwitz is regarded as the most notorious Nazi extermination center. During World War II, we are told, hundreds of thousands of prisoners — most of them Jewish — were