According to the orthodox version of the holocaust, at Treblinka, the Germans allegedly murdered and buried, then dug up, burned and crushed the bones, and then reburied all the remains of the 870,000 jews into the same “huge mass graves;” thus, they allegedly “obliterated all evidence of their crime.” If you’re unfamiliar with the controversies surrounding this “judicially proven fact,” then it’s imperative that before you read any further, you understand the forensic argumentation presented in this link HERE:
“This is the biggest cemetery of Polish Jewry… There are 870,000 Jews buried in the enormous ditches… Within this area initially, the Jews were buried in enormous pits… Later on, a sort of grill from railroad tracks was built. The corpses were removed and this area served for burning the corpses… Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka - all three of them were utterly eradicated… Both Treblinka and the other camps, once they had fulfilled their task of extermination, were obliterated… Nothing remains - nothing.”
Nothing remains? Who in their right mind could believe that a perfect crime could be committed while murdering 870,000 people? Everyone knows that at every crime scene - EVIDENCE IS LEFT BEHIND: “Cremated remains weigh between three and nine pounds.” In order to believe the orthodox Treblinka holocaust legend, you must believe this: The Germans, by putting a layer of soil over millions of pounds of bone fragments, tens of millions of teeth and tens of thousands of bullets and shell casings somehow, magically - “utterly eradicated” all evidence of their crime!
Utterly eradicated? How about utter nonsense? Why would the Germans go through all that work, knowing full well there would still be millions of pounds of evidence left behind, then put all that incriminating evidence right back into the very graves that they allegedly had just dug all those bodies out of? It’s understandable when a toddler believes that he’s made himself invisible while playing peek-a-boo by covering his eyes, but how do you explain the insanity of the holocaust “scholars” who believe that a layer of soil can make millions of pounds of evidence magically disappear?
So why do the true believers of holocaust orthodoxy continue believing in the absurd magically disappearing jew “theory” even after it’s been proven to be a fraudulent cognitive illusion? Are they truly insane, or is it because they’re just cowards who can’t handle the shrieks of “denier” and anti-Semite hurled at anyone who dares to question this nonsensical dogma? Remember, in virtually every country of Europe, as well as in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and others, you can literally be thrown in prison for refusing to believe the official lies of the alleged “pure extermination centers.” Of course, the feckless cowards who don’t want to know the truth and who lack the character to speak the truth can go about unmolested by the high priests of holocaust orthodoxy in their “free democracies;” But woe to the heretic who dares to ask: So just where exactly are all these alleged “huge mass graves” filled with millions of pounds of bone fragments anyway?
To put this UTTERLY ILLOGICAL FRAUD in perspective, it’s like someone claiming that he could murder every single man, woman and child in Montana and magically not leave a single trace of his crime! Do you see how incredibly easy a little common sense, logic and skeptical inquiry exposes the ludicrous fraud of this classic example of the big-lie technique? Nothing in the world could be easier to prove than the alleged Treblinka holocaust - IF - this legend is true. If all the time, money and effort that’s gone into the harassing, arresting, fining and imprisoning of the holocaust heretics went into locating the alleged huge mass graves of Treblinka, then this issue would have been settled years ago. Why do you think the jews would rather have people thrown in prison for not believing their nonsensical manufactured history than actually locating the alleged huge mass graves? Why do you think they incessantly lie about the Treblinka holocaust being a proven historical fact, shriek holocaust denier at and refuse to debate anyone with the intelligence and courage to call them on this ridiculous tall-tale? The answer is, of course, because there was no Treblinka holocaust. (This is a classic example of what happens when pseudo-intellectuals become so invested in an idea; after a while, even honest mistakes have to be sustained by ignoring and eventually falsifying the facts.)
Every alleged German “death camp” is best understood when looked at as a holocaust within the holocaust. No matter what anyone thinks about the holocaust per se, one thing is eminently clear - the Treblinka holocaust didn’t happen. To believe that the Germans could “obliterate” all evidence of the murder of 870,000 jews requires incredible gullibility and a lack of intelligence, logic and critical thinking skills. It requires a belief in magic and a rejection of criminology, archeology and forensic science. IF there was a Treblinka holocaust, then there are huge mass graves filled with millions of pounds of evidence to prove it. Until the alleged huge mass graves of Treblinka are found - NO mass graves = NO bone fragments / teeth = NO burning of bodies = NO homicidal gas chambers = NO mass murder = NO extermination camp = NO Treblinka holocaust = THE TRUTH – Treblinka was a transit camp and the so called gas chambers were, in reality, DELOUSING FACILITIES designed to protect the health and prolong the lives of the shameless liars who fraudulently claimed to be the victims of a genocidal extermination program. Remember, there are only two options: extermination center (for those who believe in magic) or transit camp (for those who believe in the scientific method). There is no third option and only one truth.
NOTE: In 1990, Shmuel Krakowski, the archives director of Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust Center, finally admitted that the “jewish soap” story was a lie. This ludicrous atrocity propaganda had been “proven” at the Nuremberg show trial and staunchly defended as irrefutable historical fact for more than 45 years. In jettisoning this absurdity, the holocaust scholars were no more denying history than someone who refuses to believe the absurd magically disappearing jew “theory.” And they only did it reluctantly. They only admitted the lie because it had become untenable. KRAKOWSKI ADMITTED: “Historians have concluded that soap was not made from human fat. When so many people deny the holocaust ever happened, why give them something to use against the truth?”
The truth indeed. Historical “truths” are not exempt from the scientific method! It’s time to locate the alleged huge mass graves of Treblinka, or it’s time to admit that THE TREBLINKA HOLOCAUST STORY IS A LIE: “An article re-evaluating Steiner's book Treblinka recently appeared in the French journal Revue d'histoire de la Shoah. There it was made abundantly plain Treblinka was nothing less than a deliberate attempt to hoodwink the reader into believing the book was a real work of history… Many formerly sympathetic and supportive scholars and journalists now complain bitterly of having been intentionally deceived by Steiner and his novel-as-true-history on the Treblinka concentration camp… What he and others insisted in the book's Introduction, Preface, and Afterword was a scholarly chronicle of certain tragic events had, in fact, been a melodramatic novel… When he wrote the most important part of his book… Steiner had finally to confess that he relied almost solely on his own imagination.”
RECAP: Despite the fact that it’s been over twenty years since Jean-François Steiner admitted that his fraudulent book Treblinka was purely the product of his imagination, this novel-as-true-history, this falsification / forgery, is still readily available for loan in libraries all across America. And it’s still cataloged under non-fiction! How? Because it is now referred to as a “novelized” historical account! (Welcome to the Alice in Wonderland world of holocaust “scholarship,” where holocaust “history” is what the jews say it is, nothing more - nothing less.) And despite the fact that they have yet to locate / prove the existence of one single grave, one single pound of bone fragments or so much as one single tooth to back up their claim, the holocaust industry wants you to believe that the physically impossible story of the alleged Treblinka holocaust really is true. (Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!)
First published by the The National Association of Forensic Criminologists, Archeologists