By John Cobden The Suppressed History of a Camp’s Liberation Many once widely accepted “facts” about the Dachau camp are now discredited. It wasn’t long ago, however, when it was seriously

Read more The Dachau Gas Chamber Myth

Mark Weber Suomentanut Kake B. Myytit ja Faktat Auschwitzia pidetään pahamaineisimpana natsien tuhoamisleirinä. Toisen maailmansodan aikana meille kerrotaan, että satoja tuhansia vankeja –

Read more Auschwitz - Myytit ja Faktat

By Mark Weber Auschwitz is regarded as the most notorious Nazi extermination center. During World War II, we are told, hundreds of thousands of prisoners — most of them Jewish — were

Read more Auschwitz: Myths and Facts

By Mark Weber For many years Israel has violated well established standards of international law and has defied numerous United Nations resolutions in its occupation of conquered lands, in

Read more A Straight Look at the Jewish Lobby

By Harry Elmer Barnes Every American citizen has much more at stake in understanding how and why the U.S. was drawn into World War II than in perusing the Warren Report, its supplementary volumes,

Read more The Public Stake In Revisionism

The views of four diplomats close to events Joseph P. Kennedy, U.S. Ambassador to Britain during the years immediately preceding WW2 was the father of the famous American Kennedy dynasty. James

Read more The origins of World War 2

by Joaquin Bochaca Background: In October of 1938 Walter Funk, Economic Minister of the Reich, had made a trip to the Balkans during which he concluded massive trade agreements with Yugoslavia,

Read more The Economic Roots of WWII

Censorship Corporate Censorship As long as plenty of companies compete with each other offering similar services, chances are high that someone will offer these services – even to individuals or

Read more Censorship